ADHD on TikTok

Battling Misinformation on Social Media Social media PROVIDES A PLACE for teens and young adults to share what it is like to live with ADHD. While this has led to more awareness about ADHD, and potentially more acceptance, there’s so much information swirling around on social media that it can be hard to separate facts from…

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The brainchild of behavioral pediatrician Nerissa Bauer, TEACH Me ADHD is a fun and interactive eight-week virtual course. Dr. Bauer designed the course for children with ADHD aged eight through twelve and their parents. During the virtual course, the children become “junior detectives” while the parents become “senior detectives.” Both children and parents learn about…

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Connection and Community: ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Groups

EXPERTS often cite the difficulties adults with ADHD have in consistently executing the behaviors necessary to organize, plan, and manage their day-to-day lives. It’s as though they experience a disconnect between their intentions and their actions. The results can be disheartening, if not demoralizing. How can adults who struggle in this way learn to execute…

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