Embrace Miscellaneous Organization for Your Ideas

Embrace Miscellaneous Organization for Your Ideas

The topic of getting organized comes up frequently in coaching, and I can relate to that personally. For instance, there’s a “miscellaneous” drawer in my kitchen. It’s the depository for things that don’t have a home. The top drawer of my bedroom chest serves the same purpose. Ditto my workbench in the garage. If something is unique…

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Routines for Times of Uncertainty

Routines for Times of Uncertainty

Establishing and maintaining routines can be difficult for individuals with ADHD. They are also especially prone to being thrown off easily by deviations from routine, and often experience increased trouble getting back on task. While everyone’s experience with ADHD is not the same, it is probably safe to say that many people—whether they have ADHD…

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Executive Functioning Support for Kids with ADHD

Executive Functioning Support for Kids with ADHD

Twelve-year-old Miles has forgotten to turn in his math homework for the second time this week, and he bristles when his frustrated mom asks why. For those of us raising children with ADHD, this is a relatable scenario. Our kids are smart, but distracted; they have the best of intentions, but the worst time with…

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TOOLS: Teaching Online Organizational and Virtual Learning Skills


TOOLS is a new video series that describes evidence-based strategies for youth with ADHD and their adult supports—parents, caregivers, teachers, and clinicians. These behavioral and organizational strategies are aimed to support learning and academic success for youth with ADHD. Academic success requires ingredients such as planning, organization, persistence toward long-term goals, and the ability to…

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Keeping Organized Goes Beyond a Task List

Do you have trouble remembering and keeping tracks of tasks you need to complete? Has anyone ever suggested you use an electronic task list or make a list on paper? Have you tried either of these options without success? You may wonder why you have difficulties with this and wish there was something you could…

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Choose the Right Apps

Thanks to all the advances in technology and the portability of smartphones and tablets, there are now more resources than ever before available to help adults with ADHD keep track of appointments, use to-do lists, meditate, and get lots of notifications to remind them to follow through on every aspect of daily living. Some adults…

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Organize Assignments with Customizable Apps

APPS ARE AVAILABLE TO DO MANY THINGS, including helping students to keep track of their homework assignments. Each child or teen is different in how he or she wishes to organize and plan out assignments, however. For many students who would benefit from using an electronic method, the use of a structured app specifically designed…

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Overcoming the Immunity to Intelligence

(Or. How I Created the BuJo) THE DAY OF THE BIG TEST was brisk but bright, charged with that hopeful electricity of spring. It was one of those invigorating days where it feels unnatural to be cooped up inside. Our teachers must have felt the same way, because they had an idea. . . The…

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Tips for Organizing Your Home (Webinar guest: Susan Pinsky)

Tips for Organizing Your Home Susan Pinsky is a professional organizer specializing in ADHD and chronic disorganization. She works closely with medical professionals, training physicians on appropriate organizing methodology for patients with pathologically based disorganization. Pinsky is the author of Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD and The Fast and Furious Five-Step Organizing Solution. A…

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Feng Shui Your Child’s Bedroom for More Peaceful Living

EDITOR’S NOTE Sometimes we hear about approaches to managing ADHD that are not research-driven, yet might be of interest to some of our readers. That is the case with this article on feng shui. Will it help? Does it help for the reasons some believe are central to feng shui? We can’t answer those questions.…

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