How ADHD Sometimes Gets Worse

PART ONE WHEN WE SAY THAT A PERSON’S ADHD HAS GOTTEN WORSE, what we usually mean is that the person’s executive functions, his ability to manage himself, have not yet developed enough to meet task requirements usually expected for a person of that age. As a child gets older, family, teachers, friends, and the wider…

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Was Grandma Right About Manners?

“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” “Wait your turn.” “Say please and thank you.” WE TRY TO TEACH OUR KIDS good manners so that they can navigate social situations smoothly. As with everything else, some kids pick them up easily, while others struggle. Children with ADHD usually understand what good manners are and probably get…

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How to Talk to Your Child About Your Own ADHD

BEING AN ADULT WITH ADHD has its moments. Trying to manage the day-to-day happenings of life presents some interesting moments. If you have children, you can add another dimension to this already challenging experience. So how do you explain ADHD to your children–the ups/ downs, twists/turns of daily life? Based on my personal and professional…

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Setting Realistic Expectations

WOULD YOU GO TO THE HARDWARE STORE for a loaf of bread? Sounds silly, doesn’t it? But most of us have done this when we believe someone else has capabilities they don’t actually have. For instance, your child’s last three playdates ended in tears and you automatically organize a fourth. Perhaps you thought it was…

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Writing Effective 504 Plans

GUIDANCE FROM THE OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS at the US Department of Education, consisting of a Dear Colleague Letter and Resource Guide on Students with ADHD (2016), has made it clear that many students with ADHD qualify for school 504 plans. Their plans will only be meaningful if parents and schools collaborate to write plans…

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Home Again: What to Expect When Your Adult Child with ADHD Returns Home to Live

ADULT CHILDREN ARE RETURNING HOME in greater numbers than ever before. Nearly one in eight adults returns to their parents’ home. There are many reasons for their return home, including crushing financial student debt and an inability to find a job or obtain an initial foothold in an entry-level career, necessitating a try at graduate…

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How Do I Get Through to My Teenager? [Webinar guests: Elaine Taylor-Klaus, CPCCC, PCC, and Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC, PCC]

Elaine Taylor-Klaus, CPCC, PCC, and Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC, PCC, are certified professional coaches, community educators, and advocates for families living with ADHD. With six complex kids between their two families, they are passionate about helping parents reduce the stress of raising children with ADHD. They are the cofounders of, a global resource offering…

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