Parents, Don’t Let Your Disappointment Defeat You

It’s a taboo feeling you don’t dare discuss: when you’re feeling disappointed by your child. If you are like most parents of atypical kids, you may believe you’re supposed to take your child’s atypical development in stride and be grateful for your uniquely wonderful son or daughter– regardless of the behavioral, learning, or medical challenges…

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How ADHD Sometimes Gets Worse

PART ONE WHEN WE SAY THAT A PERSON’S ADHD HAS GOTTEN WORSE, what we usually mean is that the person’s executive functions, his ability to manage himself, have not yet developed enough to meet task requirements usually expected for a person of that age. As a child gets older, family, teachers, friends, and the wider…

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Helping Them Soar: WINGS for Kids

IMAGINE A SAFE PLACE to call home after school, a place where children in kindergarten through fifth grade can play games, have fun, make new friends, and learn social and emotional skills intended to last a lifetime. Now imagine this safe and fun place being reserved especially for low-income children who in most instances would…

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