ADHD Weekly 2016-12-22

Sensory processing disorder & ADHD: What to know
Join the discussion. Have you ever been told that your child might also have sensory processing disorder, in addition to ADHD? Parents are sometimes told their child’s difficulties stem from a sensory processing disorder that can be addressed by sensory-based therapies. But what is sensory processing disorder, or SPD, and can sensory integration therapy reduce…

Supporting your child’s religious education
Join the discussion. Schools have let out for the holiday season. If your family belongs to a house of worship, this might also include a seasonal break for your children’s religious education programs. The same difficulties your child diagnosed with ADHD struggles with during the school day can follow her into the religious education program…

Still looking for the right gift for your child?
Are you looking for a last minute gift for a child in your life? The days before Christmas are the busiest shopping days of the year. You may want to make a plan before heading to the crowded stores. Megan Murphy, MEd, DT, is a family play specialist at the National Lekotek Center, who specializes…