ADHD Weekly 2017-07-27

ADHD Numbers Are Going Up, But So Is Awareness

Join the discussion. “ADHD is overdiagnosed!” This refrain is frequently heard by parents considering an evaluation or discussing their child’s diagnosis with family or friends. Often the implication is that most children diagnosed with ADHD don’t really “have” the disorder or that parents are looking for an easy way out of difficult parenting situations. It…

Getting More Than a Sound Bite: ADHD in the Media

Ask the Expert Highlight: The Representation of ADHD by the Media Featuring David Goodman, MD Do you sometimes feel that the media doesn’t get it right about ADHD? Or have you been frustrated that a news report has missed the nuances of ADHD and instead gone with the sound bite rather than the whole story?…

Five You and Your Children Will Like: Fun Apps for Kids

Join the discussion. How much screen time should your child have during the day? Children and teens are spending around seven hours a day either before a TV or computer screen, or with a smart phone or tablet in their hands. That’s a lot of screen time! Although too much screen time can be detrimental,…