ADHD in the News & Weekly

ADHD in the News 2019-10-24

October 24, 2019

Traits of autism, attention deficit linked to small brainstem

Young mums more likely to have kids with ADHD

Patients with comorbid autism and ADHD can safely take ADHD medication


ADHD Weekly, October 17, 2019

October 18, 2019

Medication Can Help Reduce the Risks of Injury

Treatment Matters: CHADD Summit On Research, Health Care Policy

Managing Stress When You Have ADHD


ADHD in the News 2019-10-17

October 17, 2019

Mindfulness Therapy Promising for ADHD in Children

Parents, doctors, teachers who care for kids with ADHD get a tool from Cincinnati Children’s

This Is What ADHD Is Like for Women


ADHD in the News 2019-10-10

October 10, 2019

CHADD Hosts Summit to Address Impact of ADHD on Public Health

Robust Treatment Options Remain Limited for Stimulant Use Disorder

Does Seeing ADHD as a Continuum Decrease Stigma?


ADHD Weekly, October 3, 2019

October 3, 2019

October Is ADHD Awareness Month: Why That’s Important

Early ADHD Treatment Prevents Serious Complications

Podcast: Nerve Stimulation for ADHD?


ADHD in the News 2019-10-03

October 3, 2019

Raising Awareness for ADHD in October

Updated ADHD guideline addresses evaluation, diagnosis, treatment from ages 4-18

Pediatricians Stand By Meds For ADHD, But Some Say Therapy Should Come First


ADHD in the News 2019-09-26

September 26, 2019

Baby Teeth May Identify ADHD

Youngest in classroom diagnosed more often with ADHD, other problems

Weighted vests, stability balls do not help children with ADHD


ADHD Weekly, September 19, 2019

September 19, 2019

Research Finds Lower Risk of Uncommon Side Effect Than Previously Thought

CHADD Names Young Scientist Awardees

Webinar: Teaching Students Grit, Perseverance, and Frustration Tolerance


ADHD in the News 2019-09-19

September 19, 2019

Early maternal anemia tied to intellectual disability, ADHD and autism

Prenatal acetaminophen exposure tied to greater ADHD risk in offspring

Heat-Related Illness and ADHD Athletes


ADHD in the News 2019-09-12

September 12, 2019

Behavioral intervention reduces need to medicate kids with ADHD

Children of anxious mothers twice as likely to have hyperactivity in adolescence

Treatment Together – Study Explores Benefits of Addressing Undiagnosed Parental ADHD For Children With the Disorder


ADHD Weekly, September 6, 2019

September 6, 2019

Pesticides Could Play a Role for Some People with ADHD

Dear Teacher: Let Me Introduce My Wonderful Child

Webinar: When You and Your Child Have ADHD


ADHD in the News 2019-09-05

September 5, 2019

Merck Manuals Survey Reveals 70% of Americans Think ADHD is Over-Diagnosed in Today’s Culture

ADHD Medication Associated With Reduced Unintentional Injuries in Youth

It Matters Which Romantic Partner Has ADHD

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