Webinar: Recognize Learning Challenges Early to Improve Academic Success

      Ask the Expert: Early Identification of Learning Differences Wednesday, February 8 | 3PM, ET Featuring Amy Cushner, MEd We have all heard the phrase “the sooner, the better,” especially when we are looking for interventions to help struggling students. When it comes to learning differences, this isn’t trite phrase—it’s a critical action.…

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Black History Month Resources for Families

This Black History Month, CHADD focuses its resources toward the needs of Black Americans who have ADHD. Black Americans are more often diagnosed with ADHD than other groups, but contend with barriers to the healthcare, education, and treatment needed to address their personal challenges and to thrive in life. Barriers can also come from the…

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Overcoming Myths and Mistrust About ADHD in the Black Community

  Overcoming Myths and Mistrust About ADHD in the Black Community Featuring Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD   Listen to the podcast now.   African American parents often question the validity of their child’s ADHD diagnosis. Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD, explains what parents need to know about the elements of a comprehensive evaluation for ADHD. She discusses common…

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Podcast Review Test Post

All Things ADHD The Relationship Between ADHD and Trauma Certain traits of ADHD, such as executive functioning deficits, inattention, and emotional regulation deficits, increase the odds of a person experiencing traumatic events during their lifetime. In this episode, Tonya L. Miles, PsyD, speaks about different types of trauma, how they interact with ADHD, routine treatment…

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Webinar: A Family Centered On Excellence

Webinar: Becoming A Family Centered on Tourette and ADHD Excellence Monday, January 30 | 7 PM ET Featuring Jane E. Indergaard, NDP, and Jeremy W. Didier, LMSW Centers of Excellence are established medical programs recognized by the Tourette Association of America for offering the highest level of care and leadership in training, education, and advocacy.…

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Webinar: Strategies and Solutions for Social Anxiety in Children

Ask the Expert Excited and Engaged: Strategies and Solutions for Social Anxiety in Children and Teens with ADHD Wednesday, January 18 7 PM, EST Featuring Sharon Saline, PsyD Teens often feel like all eyes are on them, and many will be reluctant to try new things or join social groups where they might have to…

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When Is It Too Early to Diagnose ADHD?

Does your child struggle in preschool? When it’s time to sit at the rainbow rug for story time, are they the one wiggling around or popping back to their feet? Maybe they haven’t yet mastered the idea of personal space? Does your child seem more accident prone than peers or has their impulsivity resulted in…

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A Fresh Start for the New Year

Have you set your New Year’s resolution? You haven’t? Great; don’t bother setting one. Forty-three percent of people who start the year with a resolution of some kind end up dropping or breaking it by the beginning of February. Of those who do drop it, thirty-five percent say they simply ran out of motivation to…

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Webinar: Responding To Your Child’s Academic Resistance

Ask The Expert: Understanding and Responding to Your Child’s Resistance to Learning Jan.11, 2023 | 7 PM, EST Featuring Afsaneh Moradian, MEd Children with ADHD often experience school-related stress, anxiety, and frustration. As a result, homework can become a source of struggle and conflict. Many parents choose homeschooling as an alternative, only to see their…

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Don’t Let Stigma Delay Proper ADHD Treatment for Your Child

Better education and more awareness about ADHD have led to an increase in families seeking treatment for their children who have ADHD. Unfortunately, stigma and often denial surrounding an ADHD diagnosis still exist. Sometimes these expressions come from family members. Grandparents may believe that their grandson who is a class clown at school is just…

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Hints for a Happy Holiday

Mid-December is the height of the holiday season, with preparations for those who celebrate during this time of year in full swing. Children are excited about get-togethers and gifts they hope to receive, while many parents and family members may be anxious about those same gatherings and shopping for presents. Families often look for ways…

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