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Attention Magazine December 2015
The Psychology of Medication
Ari Tuckman, PsyD
Why does such an effective treatment evoke such negative reactions?
Roberto Olivardia PhD
These two disorders co-occur more commonly than people might think, and proper assessment and treatment are critical.
Listen Closely: How ADHD Affects Communication
Mark Bertin MD
Learn to recognize the various issues and identify strategies than can help your child with ADHD.
Religious Education and Children with ADHD
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi
How can you help your child have a successful experience in your faith community?
ADHD and the Boarding School Option
Joanna Schilling
The smaller classes, traditional structures, and potential for individual support are attracting more parents to consider this kind of educational environment.
Enabling vs. Empowering: Creating New Habits is Critical
Melissa Knight
Be prepared to step back at times and allow your child to fail.
Taking the Tunnel
Jon L. Thomas EdD, LPC
The stress of the young adulthood transition is often brutal for individuals affected by ADHD.
Emotional Consequences of Growing Up with ADHD
Judith M. Glasser
How do kids feel about their ADHD and how can parents support them?