Emotions and Motivation with ADHD Ask The Expert
Identifying Misinformation About ADHD Ask The Expert
The Importance of Adult ADHD Guidelines: Is There Really an Increase In ADHD or Are Adults Finally Being Diagnosed?CHADD Webinar
Video Games and ADHD: Harmful or Helpful?Ask The Expert
ADHD Medication Shortages: What to Know and Do
IN RECENT YEARS, many new stimulant medications have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of ADHD. These new formulations vary in their duration of benefit, and many offer new ways that the medication is administered or “delivered.” Although this expanded range of stimulant medication options has been a significant…
Read MoreCognitive Disengagement SyndromeAsk The Expert
Symptoms 101: An Overview of Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment PlanningAsk The Expert
How to Make Being Social Less Boring
Why is it so hard for people with ADHD to socialize? Do you find that getting together with friends and family is rewarding, yet you put it at the end of your to-do pile? Do you gladly accept invitations, yet rarely organize social situations? Do you regret losing relationships by not reaching out, not replying,…
Read MoreUnderstanding Emotional Development
Strategies Parents Can Use from Toddlerhood through Adolescence Emotions PROVIDE CHILDREN WITH INVALUABLE INFORMATION about themselves, their environment, and their relationship with others in their environment. Developing the ability to identify, understand, and integrate emotional information are critical aspects of emotion development, which when achieved are associated with positive social, academic, and mental health outcomes for…
Read MoreInsights on ADHD and Executive Functioning (A Thinking Impairment)
Engineering INVOLVES USING OUR SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING of the natural world to invent, design, and build things to solve problems and achieve specific goals. To engineer anything, we must have a model that has repeatable patterns explained by the model and a means to make observations. A plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving a…
Read MorePrinciples for Parenting a Girl with ADHD
Parenting matters. This might appear to contradict what we know about the causes of ADHD in girls (and boys). Please let me clarify. No, how you parent your daughter doesn’t cause the disorder. But parenting does contribute greatly to outcomes for girls with ADHD. Despite the biological realities underlying ADHD, parenting practices are essential to…
Read MoreADHD and the College Transition: Rethinking a Gap Year
Over the last decade, more than half (an average 66%) of high school graduates went directly to college in America, but those numbers are now changing. The rising costs of college and questionable job market, worry about college preparedness, and pandemic have made millions of students question whether college is the correct path. In fact,…
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