What You Can Do When Your Child’s School Doesn’t Follow the 504 Plan

You’ve met with your child’s teachers and school support staff and created a 504 plan. It’s all smooth sailing now that accommodations are in place. Or is it? Surprisingly, in a CHADD survey on 504 plans and other accommodations, 66.4% of the parents who responded said their child’s educational plans were not being followed. The…

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Most High Schools Report No Problems with Medication Diversion

Major news outlets carried stories in April on a University of Michigan ADHD study, frequently referring to the study’s findings as “a wake-up call” regarding stimulant medications in their headlines. Two of CHADD’s experts reviewed the study and urge parents and school administrators to look more deeply at the study’s data and fifteen-year timespan. The…

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Managing ADHD Can Begin with Stress Awareness

April is National Stress Awareness Month—though the majority of individuals and families affected by ADHD are likely to tell you that every month can be stress awareness month. Stress—a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation—is something that we all experience, but we don’t all experience it in the same way…

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CHADD Announces New Chief Executive Officer

Laurie Kulikosky Will Join the Leading Nonprofit Organization Serving the ADHD Community Laurie Kulikosky, CAE, has been appointed CHADD’s new chief executive officer, effective October 17, 2022. “We’re thrilled to have Laurie join the CHADD team,” said Patricia M. Hudak, PCC, BCC, president of CHADD’s national board of directors. “Laurie brings extensive leadership experience to…

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Discipline and Students with ADHD in Charter Schools

guest blog by Deanna Christian, Esq., CHADD Public Policy Committee   At eight years old, Michael was diagnosed with ADHD. The traditional city school he attended declined to evaluate him to determine eligibility for special education and related services because his grades were above average. Instead, the school provided Michael with minimal accommodations through a…

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