
How to Make Being Social Less Boring

…without ADHD. Use this to you advantage; listen to the music or podcast that gets you intellectually or physically stimulated and enjoy a snack or drink while texting or emailing…


Replace an All-or-Nothing Mindset with Balanced Thinking

…both/and thinking.” “This means replacing language like ‘always’ and ‘never’ with more specific, more accurate statements,” Brannan writes. When you catch yourself thinking only in black or white, use balanced…


Making Things Easier with Tiny Habits

…because nothing else was clean. No, I don’t want to use disposable things forever, but as I get the kitchen under control I’ll move on to something else, maybe laundry)….


Mental Health for Teens with ADHD

…some mental health conditions in teens and the common treatments available. She also shares strategies that friends and family can use to support teens who are facing mental health challenges….


Research Supports Need to Address ADHD to Improve Health

…news is, with accurate diagnosis and the continued use of evidence-based treatments including cognitive therapy, educational support, skills training, and medications, people with ADHD may add years back to their…


ADHD 365: Women in Midlife and ADHD

…depressive symptoms, anxiety, sleep disorders, eating disorders, substance use, and low self-esteem. In this episode, Dr. Carol Robbins provides an understanding of the challenges women face in midlife with ADHD,…


Women in Midlife and ADHD

…Women diagnosed in adulthood are more likely have symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, eating disorders, and substance use. Far too many women have a low sense of self-esteem. Carol…


ADHD in the African American Community: During Black History Month and Beyond, CHADD Aims to Increase Understanding, Dialogue, and Access to Resources

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 17 million children and adults of every age, gender, IQ, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic background across the United States. Yet, numerous research studies show this common…


Think You Can Spot ADHD in Your Classroom?

…angry. Relieved because everything makes sense now, and angry because why not earlier? I was diagnosed at 33. Can you imagine how different my life would have been if I…


There’s STRENGTH IN CONNECTION, However You Connect

…scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. His research has spanned a number of areas, including human psychopharmacology, ADHD across the lifespan, nicotine and other substance use disorders, and clinical trials. He…

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