Project-Based Learning

DURING HER PRESENTATION at CHADD’s 2016 annual conference, Susan Kologi, PhD, spoke of the potential advantages of project-based learning (PBL) over more traditional teaching methods when working with students with ADHD. Kologi, the academic director of Novitas Academy in Emmett, Idaho, successfully integrated PBL into the school day and saw firsthand how her students with…

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More Than Puppy Love

Saturday couldn’t have come any sooner. Steven was excited about his birthday invitation and had talked with his mom about it for days. It was a blast. There were lots of games and yummy food. When Steven’s mother came to pick him up, he didn’t want to leave. As his mom began leading him to…

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Setting Realistic Expectations

WOULD YOU GO TO THE HARDWARE STORE for a loaf of bread? Sounds silly, doesn’t it? But most of us have done this when we believe someone else has capabilities they don’t actually have. For instance, your child’s last three playdates ended in tears and you automatically organize a fourth. Perhaps you thought it was…

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Writing Effective 504 Plans

GUIDANCE FROM THE OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS at the US Department of Education, consisting of a Dear Colleague Letter and Resource Guide on Students with ADHD (2016), has made it clear that many students with ADHD qualify for school 504 plans. Their plans will only be meaningful if parents and schools collaborate to write plans…

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Left Out: How Teachers Can Help Change a Student’s Negative Reputation

MANY CHILDREN WITH ADHD ARE SOCIALLY EXCLUDED by their classmates at school. Other students are reluctant to work with them. At recess, peers say that children with ADHD can’t play. These experiences can be painful and make school an unpleasant place. For this reason, it’s important to help children with ADHD to develop better relationships…

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Reduce Anxiety and REACH for Success

CAN WE PREVENT AND REDUCE significant anxiety in students in grade three through six? REACH for Success (REACH for short) teaches children in that age group how to prevent, reduce, and cope with higher than average anxiety symptoms at school, on the playground, and at home. Program developers will start offering REACH to schools that…

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Emotion Regulation and ADHD

In this issue, our research update focuses on the role of emotion and emotion regulation in individuals with ADHD symptoms. EMOTIONAL FUNCTIONING How are childhood ADHD symptoms related to emotional and peer problems? Instead of focusing on children diagnosed with ADHD, this study looked at the relationship between ADHD symptoms, emotional functioning, and peer problems…

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