Friendship Problems? How Parents Can Help

“Your son is getting better at turning in his homework,” said Spencer’s fourth grade teacher. “However, the other students don’t want to sit at his table. I notice that at recess he is often alone, and I worry about him socially.” Spencer’s parents reflect on this statement. Indeed, they have noticed that invitations to birthday…

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How to Motivate and Engage Twice Exceptional Learners

On a regular day it can be difficult to capture a student’s attention and focus. Right now, when students may be virtual, hybrid, or in-person wearing a mask and maintaining social distance, it’s even harder. When we add giftedness and an ADHD diagnosis, well, teachers and parents who successfully motivate and engage these learners really…

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ADHD + COVID-19 = ? What Families Are Telling Researchers

COVID-19 literally turned our lives upside down. Take me, for example: I have worked from home since March 2020. That’s nine months of not seeing colleagues and having to use all of my energy to regulate myself to get my work done at home and keep up with online meetings, all while trying to balance…

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Understanding and Differentiating Between Autism and ADHD

There is often CONFUSION AND DEBATE regarding the distinction between ADHD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This article begins with a description and elaboration of their similarities and differences. Then we’ll examine the impact of these two disorders in a four-year-old boy who has this dual diagnosis within a typical classroom, before closing with a discussion…

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Improving Quality of Care: mehealth for ADHD

Susan Buningh, MRE, interviews Tanya Froehlich, MD, MS, FAAP   When you’re seeking diagnosis and treatment for ADHD, it’s important to have clear communication with all parties involved. Enter state-of-the-art software: mehealth for ADHD has been called a breakthrough assessment and treatment tool that will improve communication between physicians, parents, and teachers. How can this…

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Does Exercise Improve ADHD and Related Challenges?

This research UPDATE responds to the question of whether exercise improves ADHD and related challenges. The first study is an overall analysis of existing studies regarding the influence of exercise in treating ADHD. The second study investigates the effects of high and low exercise intensities in children with and without ADHD. The first study provides preliminary…

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PAX Tools

PAX Tools are simple, evidence-based strategies that parents and other caregivers can use to help improve children’s self-control and emotional self-regulation skills. Strategies are drawn directly from the PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG) and the publications on evidence-based kernels that are fundamental units of behavior change in humans. The brainchild of prevention scientist Dennis…

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Promoting Resilience Among Children and Teens During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges to children’s lives. These challenges may be more pronounced among children with ADHD given wide disruptions to routine and structure. The same procedures that were introduced to protect us from COVID-19 and contain its spread, could adversely impact the emotional wellness of children with ADHD by limiting social…

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