Homework in the Era of the Online Grade Portal

“I turned that in,” yelled Jack. “According to the online portal, you have a zero,” stated his father. Has an exchange like this happened in your home yet? More and more schools are providing parents with 24/7 online access to their child’s grades. There are many positives to this. Parents know how their child is…

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Creating a Cooperative Environment at Home

  Taking Stock Are these thoughts familiar to you? I wish my kid(s) listened to me better. I find myself nagging much more often than I’d like. I am not sure which of my child’s misbehaviors I need to nip in the bud now and which ones I can ignore. I wish I had more…

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Parenting Your Child with ADHD for Career Success

What drives a person to choose a major, a field, a job? This is an extremely complex question. Research shows, and my experience supports, that several factors weigh into early career decisions—including teacher and parent feedback, interests, known aptitudes, as well as some healthy fantasies about what the day to day will look like. Often…

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Managing Thoughts that Get in the Way

Managing Thoughts that Get in the Way

BEHAVIOR THERAPY is a recommended intervention for children with ADHD. Parenting programs that use behavioral techniques typically involve supporting parents in improving child behavior by modifying antecedents (giving effective instructions, for example) and consequences (such as rewards, loss of privileges). When these parenting programs include teacher involvement, they can be even more helpful because parents…

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Help! My Child Only Has Virtual Friends

From Cajoling to Collaboration–Learn How to Help Your Child Develop True Friendships IF YOU HAVE KIDS WHO ENGAGE WITH OTHERS on any social media or gaming platform, you’ve said it before: “Those people are not real! They are not your friends. You don’t even really know who they are! Why do you spend so much…

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Create Calm: It Really Matters!

MANY ASPECTS OF ADHD can affect behavior and performance, and the traits will affect each child differently. Always remember what it must feel like for these children every day—think of the chaos in their brains. I like the image of different colors of paint swirling together—beautiful, but chaotic at the same time. Our ability to…

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ADHD and Family Stress

THIS RESEARCH UPDATE focuses on the impact of ADHD on parenting and family stress. The reviewed studies also examined whether reductions in parenting stress follow ADHD treatment. How are early ADHD symptoms associated with family stress? Prior studies have documented higher levels of stress among parents and families of children with ADHD. This study sought…

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You Don’t Know Jack: The Teacher Letter

FOR YEARS, WE APPROACHED EACH NEW SCHOOL YEAR with renewed hopes and rejuvenated expectations. Certainly, we thought, this would be the year when everything clicked and our son Jack would take off like a rocket through the academic stratosphere. The trials and tribulations of the last year would be lost like so many discarded booster…

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Strengthen Connection: It’s Their Survival Rope

MOST PARENTS I WORK WITH are genuinely loving, caring people who want the very best for their kids. Some have gone to extraordinary lengths to become parents; others had this greatness thrust upon them. Whatever your path, I ask you to take a moment to consider what you really hope to accomplish as parents. What…

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How to Talk with Your Child About Starting ADHD Meds

SLOWLY BUT SURELY, the old stigma attached to ADHD and other neurodevelopmental differences is fading into history. Although full disclosure can still be thorny, the diagnosis of ADHD should not be treated as some shameful family secret. You need not feel defensive or conflicted about your child’s need for medication. This does not mean that…

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