Disclosing Your ADHD Diagnosis

Disclosing Your ADHD Diagnosis

When someone gets diagnosed with ADHD, he is often thrilled to finally understand what has been going on, to finally put the pieces together. He might eagerly share his diagnosis with others—with too many others. On the other hand, when some people receive their diagnosis, they are dismayed and disbelieving. They decide to keep it…

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Create Structure

Balance Your Job and Your Child’s Educational Needs We’ve now entered the fall of the COVID-19 pandemic, following a spring and summer of lockdown and social distancing. Depending on where you live and where your child goes to school, you are likely navigating remote learning or a hybrid approach (such as two days in-person; three…

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My ADHD Got Me Fired!

… And How the Right Tools Can Prevent That Outcome Interactions in the workplace can be daunting for many people—difficult supervisors, impossible expectations, toxic work environments that doesn’t foster support and cooperation between coworkers—the list is long. ADHD brings its own set of challenges in the workplace: having difficulty prioritizing tasks, lagging motivation when tasks…

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How Do You Work from Home and Help Kids Navigate Remote Learning?

Many peoplE FOUND THEMSELVES WORKING FROM HOME unexpectedly as the COVID-19 pandemic spread. Those with school-aged children also found themselves having to help their kids with remote learning. For many individuals, adjusting to remote work and having their children attend school from home is a big adjustment in and of itself. For adults with ADHD, however,…

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ADHD, Productivity, and Working from Home

Productivity is about efficiency. It’s about using the right tools for the job and focusing on the most effective processes. When I’m coaching anyone around productivity, I find it useful to step into the right mindset. From there, we can objectively look at when and why we are most productive. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve…

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On the Way to Work

Young people, especially those with ADHD, are increasingly caught in the crosshairs of concerning and intersecting trends in postsecondary education and the world of work. Throughout 2019, business magazines such as Forbes and Inc. chronicled the decline in college enrollment and the rising costs of college education. According to these reports, many young people are…

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What Works for You in the Workplace?

MANY PEOPLE STRUGGLE with the concept of disclosing their disability in the workplace, and for many good reasons. Disclosure involves giving out personal, medical, and disability information to an employer. It can be overwhelming and fearsome. The applicant or employee wonders: • How much information should I provide? • When is the best time to…

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Decisions, Dating, and Job Interviews

Ask the Adult ADHD Expert This is a really broad question, but how can I learn what my family calls “common sense” so that I don’t keep making decisions that get me into trouble? Let’s look first at your family’s concerns. “Common sense” is a pretty broad category. What issues has your family specifically mentioned…

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