ADHD Weekly, March 20, 2020

Are You Suddenly Working From Home?
Are you among the increasing number of employees who suddenly find themselves working from home, following recommendations for social distancing? For adults with ADHD, working from home can be difficult because of the lack of routine, changes in communication with your colleagues, and increased distractions from family members and pets. We hope to alleviate some…

White Noise for Staying On Task
Are you one of the many people who unexpectedly found themselves working from home with its many distractions? For adults with ADHD, those distractions can make staying on task a greater challenge than usual. Often someone who has ADHD can think better and stay on task longer if there is some white noise in her…

The ADHD Blog: Resilience and Routines for Families During the Pandemic
In the middle of these intensely unsettling and challenging times, what can we do for our families to stay healthy and emotionally resilient? Our regular routines are disrupted. We may be at home for the foreseeable future. Global news hammers on without relent. And as parents, we have the additional stress of making sense of…

Webinar: Help Your Children Get Along with Each Other
Ask the Expert Highlight Strategies for Promoting Positive Behavior in Children with ADHD and Their Siblings Featuring Jennifer Keluskar, PhD Families are experiencing a time of increased togetherness. Often children with ADHD will struggle with their behavior. Their siblings can also find it difficult to play nicely, too, especially in close quarters. Dr. Jennifer Keluskar…