Podcast: Tips for Managing Stress During the Holidays

All Things ADHD Highlight How to Manage Family Holiday Stress Featuring Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA The holiday season can be overwhelming for anyone, but even more so if you have ADHD. Don’t despair! Dr. Ari Tuckman will help keep you from pulling out your hair. Spend just eight minutes with us and you will learn…

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Grow Out of ADHD? Not Likely

Many parents and some young adults look at ADHD symptoms and hope that maybe, just maybe, the young person will outgrow ADHD. While symptoms tend to change over time, and a hyperactive presentation can shift to predominantly inattentive, is it possible to leave a diagnosis of ADHD behind? At one point, as recently as the…

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How Can We Refocus the Holidays This Year?

Question: In our extended family, we celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah. Hanukkah is wrapping up now and Christmas is about to begin—which means there are a lot of presents for our children and their cousins all month long. We’d like to simplify our holidays, partly because we see our children becoming overwhelmed by all the…

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Podcast: ADHD and Working from Home

All Things ADHD Podcast

All Things ADHD 2.0 ADHD and Working from Home Did you unexpectedly start working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Many people have been trying to adjust to working from home for the first time. Some who may have occasionally worked from home now need to restructure their previous workspace. Adults with ADHD may have…

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Plan Holiday Spending to Avoid Impulsivity ‘Minefields’

The gift-giving season has begun. And for every gift, there is a gift-giver trying to balance thoughtfulness, how much to spend, and how much time is available before the holiday. Combined with the tendency toward impulsivity, shopping can become a financial hazard during the holiday season for someone who has ADHD. “Holiday spending is a…

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Talk with Family Members Now to Plan a Happy Holiday

In early December, many families make or finalize their holiday plans. Like most families this year, those affected by ADHD are also balancing health precautions and family dynamics along with the best ways to maintain treatment plans and routines. Pandemic fatigue has set in for many people. The upcoming holidays may seem like the perfect…

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Safely Home for the Holidays

This is a busy time of year, complicated even more by navigating family needs during a pandemic. ADHD can complicate seasonal planning in the best of times. So, how can you manage this year’s holiday season, with its traditions and obligations, while managing ADHD symptoms and your family’s health? We asked ADHD experts and writers…

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Virtual ADHD Conference Brings Together Attendees from Around the World

The 2020 Virtual International Conference on ADHD drew a record number of attendees. More than 1,300 people from around the world tuned in to be part of webinars, peer-to-peer groups, and the talent show. “This was a terrific event,” says Hermoine Wellman, CHADD’s director of Meetings and Events. “We had an unbelievable turnout. Attendees really…

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Webinar: Teaching Students How to ‘Work From Home’

Ask The Expert Highlight Online Learning: Teaching Students How to “Work From Home” Featuring Ezra Werb, MEd Is your child learning from home, either fully or in the hybrid model of some in-school and some at-home learning? Online learning can be very challenging for students with ADHD, and teachers are unsure of how to support…

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Young Adults Struggle with Continuing Treatment for ADHD

As teens begin the transition into adulthood many take on managing their ADHD treatment—and some will question if they still need treatment. That can include questioning the structure of their treatment plans and self-regulating their medications. In fact, according to Russell A. Barkley, PhD, most late teens and young adults will even disregard a diagnosis…

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Virtual ADHD Conference Begins Today

More than 1,000 members of the global ADHD community will convene today through Saturday for the 2020 Virtual International Conference on ADHD. This premier event, hosted by three leading nonprofit organizations—CHADD, the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, and the ADHD Coaches Organization—delivers three days of ADHD-focused science, education, and essential information. There will be online sessions for…

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Treating Children for ADHD Can Have Benefits for the Next Generation

Research on early intervention for ADHD and the lifelong benefits it can have continues to grow with a study published during the summer of 2020. “This is the first published study to show that a broadly implemented, early childhood prevention program can have positive effects on them through the next generation,” says lead author Karl…

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