Your Lifestyle Will Determine Your Future

If you’re an adult with ADHD (or the parent or spouse of one), you’re probably all too familiar with the challenges of those with this diagnosis. You may also be aware of the ways that impulsiveness, motor restlessness, inattention, and executive functioning difficulties can impact lifestyle and health. Decades of research on ADHD have moved…

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Spotlight on Emerging ADHD Researchers

Outstanding new ADHD researchers contribute to our increasing knowledge of ADHD. CHADD is honored to present its 2020 Young Scientist Research Awards to two deserving, emerging researchers: Whitney Fosco, PhD, and Lauren Oddo, MS. They were selected from a pool of highly qualified applicants by respected members of CHADD’s professional advisory board. These award recipients…

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Would an ADHD Coach Make Sense for Me?

If you’re an adult with undiagnosed ADHD, chances are good you’ve always known it. Or at least you’ve had a pretty good idea that you were somehow different. You know you think about things differently, and you do things differently. Back in the day, school seemed harder for you, but in funny ways. You breezed…

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Evidence-Based Coaching for Adults with ADHD

As a professional dedicated to helping adults with ADHD succeed in their lives, I am regularly on the alert for research-informed approaches that will benefit my clients. Curious to discover what a growing number of studies examining ADHD coaching might reveal, I joined colleagues Elizabeth Ahmann, Micah Saviet, and Sarah D. Wright in undertaking a…

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Promoting Resilience Among Children and Teens During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges to children’s lives. These challenges may be more pronounced among children with ADHD given wide disruptions to routine and structure. The same procedures that were introduced to protect us from COVID-19 and contain its spread, could adversely impact the emotional wellness of children with ADHD by limiting social…

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Help Your Child with Screen Resistance or Anxiety in Distance Learning

Virtual learning leads to challenging circumstances and struggles for many children and teenagers with ADHD. While some are doing well, others suffer mightily. Despite the hard work of dedicated teachers and loving, committed parents, many students are resisting, avoiding, or shutting down in the face of virtual learning demands. As a family therapist, I have…

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Text Support for ADHD

Do you find it difficult to get your child’s ADHD medication refills on time? Do you want to receive helpful and reputable information about ADHD and its treatment? Do you want to get useful suggestions on how to manage your child’s daily life and homework? A team of researchers has developed an online intervention to…

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Is Exposure to Nature Related to ADHD Symptoms?

In this research update, the first study examines associations between exposure to nature and rural environments with ADHD in youth. The second study investigates whether contact with green spaces relates to lower ADHD symptom severity. Both studies are correlational, and therefore cannot determine whether contact with nature causes improved ADHD symptoms. The studies do suggest…

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I Don’t Speak to You That Way. Please Show Me Some Respect!

A snarky, criticizing tone is one of the hardest things to tolerate. When it comes from a child, it is easy to see how parents can find it disconcerting. Children and teenagers with ADHD often can’t read the social nuances of body language, facial expressions, mood, or tone of voice. This challenge often results in…

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Addressing Barriers and Disparities: Black Americans and ADHD


In honor of Black History Month 2021, CHADD will host a series of important conversations. Our theme for these special activities is Building a More Culturally Sensitive World: Awareness. Listening. Understanding. These three words are the foundation of how CHADD will lead the fight. Begin learning about ADHD in the African-American community with these excerpts…

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Special Education and the Pandemic

Three Things Parents of Kids with Special Needs Need to Know This is a difficult time for all of us. Teachers and school administrators are making great efforts to meet the needs of all students, including students with special needs. Now, more than ever, parents, advocates, and school staff should do their best to work…

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