Home-School Collaboration: It’s Important for Children with ADHD

BEHAVIOR THERAPY is an evidence-based psychosocial treatment for children with ADHD. It uses a behavioral approach to provide support on how to change antecedents (such as effective instructions or routines) and consequences (such as rewards or loss of privileges) to decrease challenging behavior and enhance positive behavior on the part of the child. Positive effects…

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Risky Behaviors Associated with ADHD

This research update focuses on risky behaviors associated with ADHD and what can be done to help mitigate these potential risks. What is the connection between risk-taking and ADHD? The first paper reviews research focused on risk-taking behavior in adolescents and adults with ADHD, including the connection between risk-taking and ADHD, underlying factors explaining this…

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New Guidelines for ADHD and Complex ADHD

AAP Revises ADHD Guidelines by Karen Sampson Hoffman, MA The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released its updated guidelines for the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD. The updates place a greater emphasis on identifying ADHD in preschool-aged children and on addressing co-occurring conditions in children and teens. The guidelines are written for pediatricians and…

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Beyond “Oppositional Defiant Disorder”

“He’s got oppositional defiant disorder.” Maureen would never forget those words. Her five-and-a-half-year-old son was certainly a handful. At home, Timmy had tantrums all the time. It seemed impossible to get him to do the smallest of things. During the first weeks of kindergarten, he was already getting into all sorts of trouble. He would…

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Helpful Lessons for Raising Challenging Kids

Each of my three children was diagnosed with ADHD at different ages, with my middle child being diagnosed first, then my oldest and finally my youngest. I can honestly say that I am still struggling with how to support each of them as they learn to become productive adults. My desire is to help them…

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Is it Time to Evaluate Your Relationship with Alcohol?

In 2019, I inadvertently joined a movement I didn’t even know existed. Within hours of researching information on reducing my alcohol consumption, I was introduced to new phrases like sober curious, Dry January, sober sprint, plus Quit Lit (publications devoted to decreasing alcohol intake). I discovered resources like This Naked Mind, Club Soda, and Alcohol…

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Foraging for Information

In very simple terms, we do what we do for pleasure. That statement makes sense; otherwise, why would we do things that are boring, unpleasant, or uncomfortable if they don’t make us feel good? The question is, though, what makes us feel good? In a simplified view of the infinitely complex brain, the answer is dopamine. Dopamine…

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Understanding Meltdowns: The ADHD Volcano Model

A MELTDOWN CAN SEEM TO COME OUT OF NOWHERE. It’s one of the challenging or explosive behaviors we see in those who have ADHD. Sometimes it appears as poor self-esteem, yelling, rage, or tears. But sometimes the challenging behavior is your own in reaction to your spouse, child, sibling, or friend who has ADHD: “Why…

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Calling All “Brains”: How to ADHD

Today, unlike in years past, there’s a growing list of online resources that provide updated information on ADHD. Few, however, enjoy the popularity of How to ADHD, the brainchild of Jessica McCabe. How to ADHD has attracted more than 10,000,000 visitors to its website and boasts more than 200,000 YouTube subscribers. Currently, “Failing at Normal,”…

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An ADHD Assessment Might Set You Free—No Matter Your Age

No one wants to feel like something is wrong with the way their brain works, or to be labelled or stigmatized due to their mental health symptoms. Fears like these—of being judged or having their lives worsen as a result of speaking up—hold people back from seeking support through mental health assessment and treatment services.…

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Choosing the Best Medication for Adult ADHD

Some simple questions have very complex answers. I am often asked, “What is the very best medicine for ADHD?” The right answer might be “The one that works,” but that is a bit glib. The best answer I’ve found is a redirection: “I don’t know which regimen is best for you, but I know how…

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Internet Addiction and ADHD

There’s lots of talk and concern about screen time these days. It’s not uncommon for someone to say “OMG, I’m totally addicted to the internet/my phone/etc.” That’s probably not a medically accurate diagnosis. But can you be addicted to the internet? Can you even be addicted to anything that isn’t a drug? The answer is…

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