The Best Aphrodisiac

THE ADHD RELATIONSHIP SEX SURVEY I CREATED—and somehow got 3,000 people to take—had a section that asked about the types of treatments that respondents had tried, how much effort they had put into it, and how effective they felt the treatment has been. There has certainly been a lot of research already looking at this,…

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Celebrating the 2019 CHADD Research Awards

THROUGH its Young Scientist Research Awards program, CHADD has supported emerging researchers for twelve years, encouraging excellence in the field and broadening our understanding of ADHD. The recipients of the 2019 Awards—Rosanna Breaux, PhD, and Samuel J. Eckrich, MS—were selected from a pool of highly qualified applicants by a team of seasoned ADHD researchers, which…

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Teach Your Child to Read the Room

WE’VE ALL SEEN SIGNS OF A CHILD who doesn’t quite know how to follow the unwritten rules of proper etiquette. The child with ADHD who barges into someone’s house and sits on the couch in a wet bathing suit. The teenager who tries to get the attention of his teacher while she is hurriedly packing…

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Game-Based Learning

An Update on LearningWorks for Kids LIKE SO MANY OTHER EXPERTS, clinical psychologist Randy Kulman long observed children with ADHD who, despite struggling mightily to pay attention at school, paid attention just fine when playing computer games. He began to consider an idea: What if he could design a program that uses popular computer games…

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The Destructive Cycles that Tear ADHD Marriages Apart

“How could you forget that you agreed to pick Kayden up from softball practice today? Again!” yells Cathy to her husband Zach. “You promised me! I can never rely on you. What’s wrong with you?” “You’re a million miles away,” says Mike to his wife Stacy over a plate of chicken marsala at their favorite…

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On the Way to Work

Young people, especially those with ADHD, are increasingly caught in the crosshairs of concerning and intersecting trends in postsecondary education and the world of work. Throughout 2019, business magazines such as Forbes and Inc. chronicled the decline in college enrollment and the rising costs of college education. According to these reports, many young people are…

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Homework in the Era of the Online Grade Portal

“I turned that in,” yelled Jack. “According to the online portal, you have a zero,” stated his father. Has an exchange like this happened in your home yet? More and more schools are providing parents with 24/7 online access to their child’s grades. There are many positives to this. Parents know how their child is…

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Creating a Cooperative Environment at Home

  Taking Stock Are these thoughts familiar to you? I wish my kid(s) listened to me better. I find myself nagging much more often than I’d like. I am not sure which of my child’s misbehaviors I need to nip in the bud now and which ones I can ignore. I wish I had more…

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Music Study: A Dance with Attention

MUSIC STUDY IS A DANCE OF THE MIND, a mind we come to know better and better as it bends and grows with a melody. Music study is process-oriented—it is a journey. Through music study, we build a learner’s toolbox—a personal owner’s manual of our own mind, and discover how we can use it strategically.…

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Time Well Spent

Why Summer Camp Should Be a Part of Your Child’s Growth Continuum AS PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH ADHD, we often get caught up in the struggles they are prone have. They tend to be anxious, struggle with poor social skills and emotional coping skills, perseverate on things they are interested in to the exclusion of…

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Camp Can Be a Place to Thrive

For many parents whose children have ADHD or are twice-exceptional, summer marks the end of a school year rife with organizational, social, and academic challenges. From homework hassles to organizational black holes and home/school communications, a high level of frustration can develop in both parents and children. Research-informed summer camps provide an opportunity for children…

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ADHD, Bilingualism, and Executive Functions

THIS MONTH’S RESEARCH UPDATE focuses on the joint effects of ADHD and bilingualism on executive functions. What are the joint effects of ADHD and bilingualism? Executive functions (EF) are mental processes that enable us to control thoughts and actions towards a goal. Previous studies have documented lower levels of EF among those with ADHD. On…

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