The ReThinkStress Program

NO DOUBT, STRESS CAN HAVE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES on our health, our productivity, and our emotional well-being. But, according to Stanford psychologist Alia Crum, PhD, research also shows that stress can potentially have positive effects in these areas as well—if, that is, we can change our mindset about the very nature of stress. Our stress mindset,…

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Inattentive Women with ADHD

WHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A WOMAN with the inattentive presentation of ADHD? First of all, it’s likely that you were not diagnosed when you were a girl, because girls are diagnosed only when a parent or teacher suspects ADHD and refers them for assessment. And girls can be quite chameleon-like, especially at school—working hard to…

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Living with Inattentive ADHD

I HAVE INATTENTIVE ADHD, and in many ways, I’m a good example of doing well with it. I started college while still in high school, graduated with honors in three years, and got my master’s degree by age twenty-one. After a variety of jobs, I found my calling: teaching. It invited me to be creative,…

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CBD Oil for ADHD? What the Research Says

YOU’VE SEEN THE POP-UP ADS or you’ve heard a friend talk about CBD oil as an alternative treatment for ADHD. Every online community and social media platform seems to have someone praising the compound or offering to sell it. But what is it, and does it really have any proven benefits for managing ADHD symptoms?…

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Preparing for College: The Top Three Things to Consider

AS COLLEGE LIFE COACHES, we have supported hundreds of students with ADHD in successfully transitioning to college. No two transitions look alike. Students have varying degrees of support, confidence, resourcefulness, and tangible information that affect their personal journey from high school to college. While there is no exact formula, there is one key theme among…

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Still Distracted After All These Years

Kathleen Nadeau, PhD

Exploring ADHD After Sixty   AS A PSYCHOLOGIST who has spent the past several decades thinking and writing about ADHD in its various manifestations, I have always tried to focus on segments of the ADHD population that have been underserved—adults when most thought ADHD was a disorder of childhood; girls and women when most thought…

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