Managing Inattentive ADHD with Psychosocial Treatments

INATTENTIVE ADHD is the most common form of ADHD. It is less well recognized than other forms of ADHD, however, because overactivity and disruptive behaviors are usually not a concern. Instead, regulating attention and executive dysfunction (difficulty planning and organizing goal-directed behavior) are the primary reasons children with this form of ADHD struggle at school…

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Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga as Treatments for ADHD

THIS RESEARCH UPDATE focuses on a single overarching question: Are third-wave therapies (such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga) effective in treating ADHD? The first paper integrates several studies in youth and the second paper focuses on a single randomized controlled trial in college students. Are mindfulness, meditation, and yoga effective treatments for ADHD in children?…

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ADHD Treatment in School-Aged Youth

THIS RESEARCH UPDATE focuses on two related questions about youth and adolescents with ADHD. The first study aims to identify rates of ADHD treatment (in general and related to demographic and clinical factors) in a national survey. The second aims to summarize and integrate recommendations from multiple studies of school-based services across developmental levels. Which…

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A Novel Treatment for Severe Irritability: Exposure-Based CBT for DMDD

MANY CHILDREN get annoyed when asked to stop playing video games or to help with chores. However, for some children these types of age-appropriate demands can lead to extreme behavioral responses that are out of proportion relative to the request, such as snapping, yelling, or even throwing things. In addition, they tend to have a…

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CHADD’s Guide to Finding a Summer Camp

WHILE IT MAY SEEM TOO EARLY to start planning for summer at the start of winter, finding a camp for your child with ADHD can be stressful. You may be tempted to procrastinate, but starting your search now will pay off. Finding the right summer camp takes research and many discussions. To keep from getting…

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Create Calm: It Really Matters!

MANY ASPECTS OF ADHD can affect behavior and performance, and the traits will affect each child differently. Always remember what it must feel like for these children every day—think of the chaos in their brains. I like the image of different colors of paint swirling together—beautiful, but chaotic at the same time. Our ability to…

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Cardiovascular Risk and Stimulant Medication

THE FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH ADHD FACE MANY CHALLENGES, including caring for those affected and dealing with the potential side effects associated with therapy. The healthcare system unfortunately has added confusion to ADHD management. In 2006, the FDA released a warning on ADHD medications based on twenty-five reported cases of sudden death in children and…

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19 Consejos para encontrar tratamiento para el ADHD a bajo costo

¡Ayuda! ¿Cómo puedo obtener una evaluación para el TDAH si mi seguro de salud no me proporciona una cobertura adecuada? Muchos doctores en mi área, no aceptan nuevos pacientes o no participan en mi plan de seguro de salud o quieren cobrar demasiado. No tengo mucho dinero para poder pagarlo yo mismo.   ¿Cómo puedo…

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The Gifted Child with ADHD

ADHD affects the ability to manage life–particularly when situations require sustained effort, consistency, and planning. ADHD can undermine health, social relations, self-esteem, efficiency, and far more. Because of that broad impact, grades are not the bottom line for evaluating ADHD, even in school. Educational law states that impairments related to ADHD, not specific grades, are…

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Empowering Children Who Learn Differently in Pakistan

WE’RE ALL FAMILIAR with that distracted, uninterested fellow who just did not sit still in school. He was annoyingly chatty and quite often failed his examinations. We presumed him clueless, lacking the desire to study. In Pakistan, many of these children leave school at an early age. Some become entrepreneurs. Others continue the traditional educational…

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19 Tips for Finding Low-Cost ADHD Treatment

En español “Help! How can I get an ADHD assessment when my insurance doesn’t provide adequate coverage? Many doctors in my area don’t take new patients or don’t participate in my insurance plan or they charge way too much. I’m not rich enough to pay for it myself.” “How can I get my child evaluated…

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