Meditation and Adult ADHD
How Meditation Can Help Improve Your Life Skills and Happiness Perhaps you have heard of meditation and its benefits. Perhaps you have heard that meditation can be one of the most helpful activities that a person with ADHD can do for improved life outcomes. You may say, “Sounds good. How can I get started?” If…
Read MoreGreen Time for ADHD
The changing seasons bring many opportunities for getting outside to spend time in the park, hike through the woods, or explore the wilds of your backyard. For children with ADHD, enjoying nature can offer additional benefits. A growing body of research indicates that children and adults who spend time in nature increase their ability to…
Read MoreDoes Exercise Improve ADHD and Related Challenges?
This research UPDATE responds to the question of whether exercise improves ADHD and related challenges. The first study is an overall analysis of existing studies regarding the influence of exercise in treating ADHD. The second study investigates the effects of high and low exercise intensities in children with and without ADHD. The first study provides preliminary…
Read MoreWould an ADHD Coach Make Sense for Me?
If you’re an adult with undiagnosed ADHD, chances are good you’ve always known it. Or at least you’ve had a pretty good idea that you were somehow different. You know you think about things differently, and you do things differently. Back in the day, school seemed harder for you, but in funny ways. You breezed…
Read MoreEvidence-Based Coaching for Adults with ADHD
As a professional dedicated to helping adults with ADHD succeed in their lives, I am regularly on the alert for research-informed approaches that will benefit my clients. Curious to discover what a growing number of studies examining ADHD coaching might reveal, I joined colleagues Elizabeth Ahmann, Micah Saviet, and Sarah D. Wright in undertaking a…
Read MoreMusic Study: A Dance with Attention
MUSIC STUDY IS A DANCE OF THE MIND, a mind we come to know better and better as it bends and grows with a melody. Music study is process-oriented—it is a journey. Through music study, we build a learner’s toolbox—a personal owner’s manual of our own mind, and discover how we can use it strategically.…
Read MoreAttention Magazine October 2019
ADHD & Recreational Marijuana: What’s the Attraction?
THE PERCEPTION THAT MARIJUANA IS THERAPEUTIC FOR ADHD continues to increase in popularity. Anecdotes from people with ADHD who feel that recreational cannabis use provides therapeutic benefits are common. There is little clinical research to support these claims, however. Despite an absence of research, there is much chatter online. A relatively recent study looked…
Read MoreNeurofeedback Treatment for ADHD
NEUROFEEDBACK is a painless way for people to get information about the electrical activity in their brains and change it. Electrical activity is how brain cells send signals. When someone undergoes neurofeedback, sensors are placed on their head to measure electrical activity, which shows up as “brain waves” on a screen. The waves can be…
Read MoreCelebrating Emerging ADHD Researchers
CHADD IS PLEASED TO PRESENT the 2018 Young Scientist Research Awards to Connor H.G. Patros, PhD, and Patrick A. LaCount, MS. Selected from a pool of well-qualified applicants by experts in the field, these young researchers are making contributions to our understanding of ADHD. Application reviewers from CHADD’s Professional Advisory Board examined the research study…
Read MoreMindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga as Treatments for ADHD
THIS RESEARCH UPDATE focuses on a single overarching question: Are third-wave therapies (such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga) effective in treating ADHD? The first paper integrates several studies in youth and the second paper focuses on a single randomized controlled trial in college students. Are mindfulness, meditation, and yoga effective treatments for ADHD in children?…
Read MoreFocus on One Cognitive Training Approach: An Interview with LearningRx
IN THE LAST DECADE, a variety of cognitive training programs have become available for treatment of ADHD symptoms. These programs are completed with a trainer and sometimes supplemented via online platforms. Their focus is often on improving executive functioning and information processing, such as working memory, visual and auditory processing speed, and attention. Cognitive training…
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