Limiting Screen Time During a Pandemic: A Guide for Parents

The COVID-19 lockdown has taken our usually functional (and sometime dysfunctional) dependence on technology as a society to a new level. For example, as a child and adolescent psychiatrist specializing in internet and video game addiction, I have converted my practice to video conferencing. Naturally, with the lack of in-person school, camps, and outdoor activities,…

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Internet Addiction and ADHD

There’s lots of talk and concern about screen time these days. It’s not uncommon for someone to say “OMG, I’m totally addicted to the internet/my phone/etc.” That’s probably not a medically accurate diagnosis. But can you be addicted to the internet? Can you even be addicted to anything that isn’t a drug? The answer is…

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Children and Violent Behavior: Where it Comes From and What to Do

MANY CHILDREN HAVE VIOLENT THOUGHTS AND AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS. Normal rough-and-tumble play-fighting can get too rough. Kids hit, kick, scratch, bite, throw, or even choke. Many children enjoy playing with toy guns. Even in households where toy weapons are banned, kids will still pretend to be warriors, making rifles out of sticks and guns out of…

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Smartphones in School? A Voice for Change

AS A PARENT COACH AND TEACHER TRAINER, I deal with the challenges created by electronic devices and social media on a daily basis. Parents struggle to set appropriate limits, kids have a hard time regulating their usage, and educators need to manage the balance between using these devices as tools and the unintended consequences they…

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