“Brain Training” Options for ADHD: New Fact Sheet

“Brain Training” Options for ADHD

Solid research evidence supports two types of treatment for ADHD: medication and behavioral treatments (such as behavior management strategies and parent training in behavior management). Even though these treatments help most children with ADHD, they are not perfect. Many practitioners, parents, and patients themselves look for complementary approaches to include with their ADHD treatment plan.…

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When Balancing Social Media Use Becomes a Challenge

How much social media is too much? Does it seem like all your child talks about is the latest trending video? What about the amount of time your teen spends, head down over a cellphone or tablet, skimming the popular digital platforms? And then there are the flaring tempers and the snippy replies if you…

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Webinar: Parenting a Defiant Child: Won’t? Or Can’t?

Ask the Expert Highlight Parenting a Defiant Child: Won’t? Or Can’t? Featuring Sarah Wayland, PhD It can be a frustrating experience when your child who has ADHD fails to follow through on a reasonable request. But it isn’t always that your child is defying your authority or acting in a manipulative way. Sometimes it’s because…

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Irritable and Overwhelmed? Signs of Parental Burnout

Woman sitting on the floor of a kitchen with her knees bend and hands over her face. Mother experiencing ADHD parental burnout.

You’re not just feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or irritable. You may be experiencing signs of parental burnout. Parenting children with ADHD and other health conditions can cause increased stress. Job pressures, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and rising prices from inflation create additional strain, causing many parents to struggle with managing day-to-day responsibilities. Working mothers especially are…

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Podcasts for National Minority Mental Health Month

July is National Minority Mental Health Month. The annual focus of this month is to increase awareness of the unique struggles that racial and ethnic minority communities in the Unites States face when it comes to mental illness and access to mental health care. Nearly eleven percent of African American children and six percent of…

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Young Scientist Awardees Announced

Courtney Zulauf-McCurdy, PhD, and Catrina Calub, MA, have been selected as CHADD’s 2022 Young Scientist Research Award recipients. These emerging researchers are making significant contributions to our understanding of ADHD. Each award recipient receives $1,000 and recognition during the 2022 Annual International Conference on ADHD in Dallas, Texas, November 17-19. They will also receive a…

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Help Your Child Better Cope with Social Anxiety

Do you wonder why your high schooler refuses to go to the store or attend parties or why your middle schooler doesn’t like to raise their hand in class? Symptoms of social anxiety in children and teens are more extreme reactions to social situations that go beyond shyness, where a child may be hesitant or…

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Free One-Hour Course on Tourette Syndrome

Webinar: Caring for Children with Tourette Syndrome Virtual Course Presented by the American Academy of Pediatrics Wednesday, June 29 12:30– 1:30 PM CT This free course is provides clinicians with practical tips, knowledge, and resources to effectively identify and diagnose Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders. Participants will come away with skills to effectively diagnose…

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Educator Webinar: Tips and Strategies to Help an Unmotivated Kid

Ask the Expert for Educators: Tips and Strategies for Educators to Help an Unmotivated Kid Featuring Margaret H. Sibley, PhD Monday, June 27 | 3 PM, EDT The biology of ADHD can lead to an atypical response to rewards—which translates into prominent motivation deficits for many children and teens with the disorder. Dr. Margaret Sibley…

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Busy Puppy? Researchers Describe ADHD in Dogs

It’s been said that there is no stronger bond than that between a dog and a child. Humans and dogs developed together, which may explain why we have such deep connections to these companion animals. A study by Emory University researchers showed that canine brains are very similar to human brains. Dogs share with humans…

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Is Summer School a Good Option for Your Child?

The school year has drawn to a close and students hope for a change of pace over the next few months. For some, that includes classes or school-based activities during the summer recess. But is summer school the best option for a child who has ADHD? Why plan on summer school? Some parents enroll their…

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Webinar: Five Ways Nutrition Can Impact ADHD Symptoms

Ask the Expert Highlight Five Ways Nutrition Can Impact ADHD Symptoms Featuring Laura Stevens, MS A healthy diet can be an effective complementary approach to alleviating some symptoms of ADHD for some people. Nutritional counselor and author Laura Stevens discusses adjustments to your family’s meal planning that may help to improve some ADHD symptoms. She…

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