Podcasts: Preventing Suicide

All Things ADHD: ADHD and Preventing Suicide Featuring Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD   Adult ADHD and Suicide Prevention The death of someone you love is often met with sadness. But the heartache felt by family members and friends can become more confusing and unnerving when the cause of death is suicide. Researchers say adults with ADHD…

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CHADD Webinar: Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher

CHADD Webinars: Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher Two-Part Series for Parents Sept. 17 & Sept.24 3 PM, EDT | Featuring Linda Karanzalis, MS Session 1: Let Me Introduce You to My Child, Friday, Sept. 17, 3 PM, EDT While children with ADHD tend to face several challenges at school, your child’s ADHD doesn’t necessarily have…

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ADHD and Recommended Vaccines, Including for COVID-19: What to Know

The number of adults and teens in the United States who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine is growing daily, and that is good news in curtailing the pandemic. Medical professionals are hopeful that the US Food and Drug Administration will authorize for emergency use or approve a vaccine for children…

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A New ADHD Diagnosis: The Next Steps

A new diagnosis can sometimes feel very sudden, even if you suspected your child might have ADHD for some time. You can be left wondering, now what? You might become overwhelmed by navigating healthcare, treatment options, or special education services for your child. There are many resources to support both you and your child, but…

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Ask the Expert Webinars for Educators: The New Educational Landscape

Ask the Expert: IEPs, 504 plans, and the New Educational Landscape Tuesday, August 24 12 PM EDT Featuring Richard Weinfeld As schools reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, special attention needs to be paid to how to help students with special educational needs resume progress in their learning. Parents and educators should consider these three questions:…

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ADHD Can Mean Underemployment for Some Adults

Adult ADHD can impact your earning power. Researchers found that high school graduates with ADHD earn about 17 percent less than their peers. They are also more likely to become unemployed and to receive disability benefits related to their inability to work. The symptoms of inattention, short-term memory difficulties, and poor organizational skills are part…

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Help Teens Get Organized for School

Every teen—and parent—knows what the exploding bookbag looks like: a jumble of books, assignments, and school supplies all tumbling out at once. Managing papers, lockers, and homework is challenging. Teens with ADHD may not know how to get and stay organized. They often have difficulty organizing their space and time, especially when it comes to…

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Ask the Expert Webinar: Providing Perspective Through My ADHD Story

Ask the Expert: Overcoming Shame—Providing Perspective Through My ADHD Story A Webinar for Teens, Young Adults, and Their Parents August 9 | 12:00 PM EDT | Featuring Mallory Band, MSEd Life presents a lot of mountains to climb—ADHD doesn’t have to be one of them. Mallory Band struggled with her ADHD like so many other…

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Your Communication Plan Is Key to the New School Year

Another school year is fast approaching, and you may wonder how you can help your child have a smooth start. Getting to know your child’s teacher is a good place to begin. “Communication is key,” says Jennifer Ciran-Debban, MA, LMHC. A family education partner at Grant Wood Area Education Agency in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, she…

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Get That Green Time In!

Summer can mean getting outside to spend time in the park, hike through the woods, or explore the wilds of your backyard. For children with ADHD, there can be additional benefits to enjoying nature. A growing body of research indicates that children and adults who spend time in nature increase their ability to pay attention…

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Webinar: ADHD, Executive Function, and The Art of Getting Kids to Listen

CHADD Webinar Highlight: ADHD, Executive Function, and The Art of Getting Kids to Listen Featuring Caroline Maguire, MEd Sometimes it seems like your child is purposely ignoring you. You’re frustrated and wondering if he’s being stubborn or just selfish in his behavior. Most often, though, it’s neither. Children develop executive function skills as part of…

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Masks May Still Be Required When Schools Open

It may be the middle of summer, but the school year will be here soon, judging by the number of back-to-school commercials popping up on TV and radio programs. During the last school year, the COVID-19 pandemic presented quite a different learning experience for most students in the United States. At-home learning, hybrid classrooms, staggered…

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