The Impact of Screen Time on Neurodivergent Kids

Featuring Randy Kulman, PhD   What are the benefits and risks of digital play and video games for neurodivergent kids? Clinical psychologist Randy Kulman focuses on children diagnosed with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and learning disabilities, sharing research on how kids learn from screens and concerns such as addiction and the effect on mood. He…

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Fathering with ADHD

Featuring Carey Heller, PsyD     ADHD can affect emotional regulation, organization, and the ability to make and maintain social connections. ADHD symptoms have a negative impact when they interfere with a father’s ability to manage his own life and raise his children. Carey Heller, PsyD, discusses the best interventions, tips on how to overcome…

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Doing Too Much At Once Is Less Productive

Are you still trying to multitask? Despite popular belief, we humans can’t really multitask. Instead, what we are actually doing is “task switching.” We may be making the switch rapidly among several tasks, but our brains, even those brains affected by ADHD, can only process one thought or task at a time. A group of…

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Keep Communication Going After Graduation

The weeks following graduation, whether it’s from high school or college, bring dramatic changes as young adults prepare to leave the family home and establish their first independent residence. Parents who supported their children through all the challenges of ADHD may find this an intense change, as they and their young adults seek a new…

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Podcast: Strategies for the Sandwich Generation

ADHD 365: Strategies for the Sandwich Generation Featuring Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, PhD Many people between the ages of 35 and 54 care for both children and aging parents. This double load of caregiving responsibilities may cause them to neglect self-care, which can take a toll on their relationships and physical and mental health. Stephanie Moulton…

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Podcast: Summertime Strategies to Address Your Child’s ADHD at Home

  ADHD365: Summertime Strategies to Address Your Child’s ADHD at Home   Featuring Carey A. Heller, PsyD   Parenting any child comes with rewards and challenges, especially when your child has ADHD. However, if the symptoms of ADHD—disorganization, emotional irregularity, difficulty staying on task—go unmanaged, they cause disruption to family life, creating stress and anxiety…

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When Should Teens Make Decisions About Their Medications?

For teens with ADHD, medications are often an important part of treatment. But getting some teens to take their medication on a regular basis can be a real challenge for their parents. That can make it hard to determine when teens should have more control over their treatment plans and when they get to make…

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Preventing the Summertime Blues

Is your family ready for summer? The school year is coming to an end and your child is looking gleefully at two or three months of free time. Meanwhile you are looking at those same months—perhaps not quite so gleefully. For the child or teen who has ADHD, making the transition into summer can be…

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Webinar: The Impact of Screen Time on Neurodivergent Kids

Ask the Expert: The Impact of Screen Time on Neurodivergent Kids Thursday, June 1 | 12 PM ET Featuring Randy Kulman, PhD This webinar examines the benefits and risks of digital play and video games for neurodivergent kids. It will focus on children diagnosed with ADHD, ASD, and LD. A clinical psychologist will briefly examine…

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Time Off from Medication, But Not from ADHD

Summer Camp as a Growth Experience for Your Child

Are you considering a medication holiday during the coming summer break? Many parents decide on this course of action for the summer months, when their child with ADHD doesn’t need to focus intently, as they do during school. A medication holiday is a planned period of time, for medical or evaluation purposes, when prescribed medication…

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Section 504: What to Do When Your Child’s School Doesn’t Follow the Plan

You’ve met with your child’s teachers and school support staff and created a 504 plan. It’s all smooth sailing now that accommodations are in place. Or is it? Surprisingly, in a CHADD survey on 504 plans and other accommodations, 66.4% of the parents who responded said their child’s educational plans were not being followed. The survey…

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Podcast: Managing Finances with ADHD

ADHD 365 Podcast: Managing Finances with ADHD Featuring David DeWitt   Why do people with ADHD struggle with money management? And how can their romantic partners or family members support their efforts to achieve their financial goals? David DeWitt, a financial planner who has ADHD, talks about the common obstacles people with ADHD face when…

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