Beyond “Oppositional Defiant Disorder”

“He’s got oppositional defiant disorder.” Maureen would never forget those words. Her five-and-a-half-year-old son was certainly a handful. At home, Timmy had tantrums all the time. It seemed impossible to get him to do the smallest of things. During the first weeks of kindergarten, he was already getting into all sorts of trouble. He would…

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An ADHD Assessment Might Set You Free—No Matter Your Age

No one wants to feel like something is wrong with the way their brain works, or to be labelled or stigmatized due to their mental health symptoms. Fears like these—of being judged or having their lives worsen as a result of speaking up—hold people back from seeking support through mental health assessment and treatment services.…

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Choosing the Best Medication for Adult ADHD

Some simple questions have very complex answers. I am often asked, “What is the very best medicine for ADHD?” The right answer might be “The one that works,” but that is a bit glib. The best answer I’ve found is a redirection: “I don’t know which regimen is best for you, but I know how…

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Internet Addiction and ADHD

There’s lots of talk and concern about screen time these days. It’s not uncommon for someone to say “OMG, I’m totally addicted to the internet/my phone/etc.” That’s probably not a medically accurate diagnosis. But can you be addicted to the internet? Can you even be addicted to anything that isn’t a drug? The answer is…

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The Best Aphrodisiac

THE ADHD RELATIONSHIP SEX SURVEY I CREATED—and somehow got 3,000 people to take—had a section that asked about the types of treatments that respondents had tried, how much effort they had put into it, and how effective they felt the treatment has been. There has certainly been a lot of research already looking at this,…

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The Destructive Cycles that Tear ADHD Marriages Apart

“How could you forget that you agreed to pick Kayden up from softball practice today? Again!” yells Cathy to her husband Zach. “You promised me! I can never rely on you. What’s wrong with you?” “You’re a million miles away,” says Mike to his wife Stacy over a plate of chicken marsala at their favorite…

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Latinx Youth with ADHD

This month’s research update focuses on the development of symptoms and treatment of ADHD in Latinx youth. A longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth The first study associated factors like gender, nativity, and cultural values with the symptomatic expression of ADHD and other behavioral disorders in a community sample of 674 Mexican-origin youth. This longitudinal study…

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Where Can Adults with ADHD Find the Best Treatment?

Alberto was working with an ADHD coach who suggested that medication would add to the progress he was making. Gabrielle was diagnosed with ADHD by a psychologist. Her primary care doctor dismissed the report, because “if you have a law degree, you can’t have ADHD.” Micah took an online quiz that urged him to talk…

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Treating ADHD and Emotion Dysregulation

A TENDENCY to experience and express intense negative emotions is among the most significant problems people with ADHD face. Among children, low frustration tolerance, rageful outbursts over seemingly small annoyances, and explosive overreactions to disappointments other kids handle with composure often make peer relationships and family life difficult. These difficulties can lead to a cycle…

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More Than Refills: The Importance of Regular Follow-Up Visits

DESPITE LIFE’S COMPLEXITIES, regular ADHD follow-up visits are very important. I recommend scheduling a visit with your ADHD doctor at least once every season; fall, winter, spring, and summer. If your prescriber is your pediatrician, then one of these quarterly visits could be incorporated into the yearly well-child care visit. If your prescriber is a…

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