Prioritize Your Sleep for Good Health

One in three adults are not getting enough sleep. Among adults who have ADHD, that number jumps to two in three adults—about 67 percent—struggling to sleep. “ADHD adults are chronically sleep-deprived,” says William Dodson, MD, an author and adult ADHD specialist. “The typical person will be wide awake at 3 or 4 AM and has…

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Find Your Theme or Dream for the Year

Melissa Brode, a yoga teacher in the Midwest, is not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. She often sees people making resolutions about changing behaviors or their exterior selves, rather than building toward the things that can increase their happiness. “It has always been interesting to me how people vow to completely change their behaviors…

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CHADD Webinar Highlight: Anxiety, Perfectionism, and ADHD

Woman overwhelmed with anxiety surrounded by people walking in busy street. Coping with anxiety, perfectionism, and ADHD.

Highlighted CHADD Webinar: Anxiety, Perfectionism, and ADHD Featuring Carol Ann Robbins, PhD When you think about ADHD, perfectionism may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but many describe adults with ADHD as being perfectionists. While wanting to make sure that things are correct is a good thing, it becomes a problem when…

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Helping Teens Avoid the Pitfalls in Spending

Impulse control is a challenge for teenagers, especially when they have ADHD. Blurting out comments in school or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to friends and family often lands them in hot water. That lack of effective impulse control can also extend to their pocketbooks and wallets. “The second my daughter gets…

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Find Gifts from the Heart This Season

The holiday season seems to have one message: buy, buy, BUY! And the end result is often that you feel tired, financially stressed, and dismayed that those gifts are often received with lackluster appreciation. For adults who have ADHD, the spending season can lead to poor budgeting and overspending because of their ADHD symptoms. ADHD…

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Webinar Highlight: Getting your kids with ADHD organized

Ask The Expert Highlight All in a Row: Getting Your Kids with ADHD Organized         Featuring Holly Hitchcock Graff CPO, PCC During the holiday season it can be difficult to keep your home and children organized. Professional organizer Holly Hitchcock Graff offered simple tips to help your children, family, and home be…

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Your Gift to CHADD Makes It All Possible!

This past year has been challenging for all of us in so many ways. For those of us with diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD, it has been especially challenging. You might not know it, but the fidgety woman standing next to you in line at the grocery store, the little boy in the classroom who raises…

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Emotions That Disrupt Life Can Be Part of ADHD

Have you ever gotten so angry after another driver cut you off that it’s all you think about rest of the day? Or did a coworker ignore you at a staff meeting, leaving you worried that you had somehow offended them? Maybe your spouse’s loud chewing agitates you so that you feel you could fly…

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Get Ahead of Holiday Stress and Enjoy the Season

The first week of December is when most people starting to feel the pressure of the holiday season—or start hoping to avoid it. The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are busy. Having ADHD can complicate your seasonal planning. “The holidays are filled with both joy and stress,” says Ellen Braaten, PhD. Sixty-two percent…

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Webinar: Help Your Child Be Less Impulsive

Ask The Expert: Wait! Help Your Child With ADHD Be Less Impulsive December 1 | 2 PM EST Kimberly Harrison, PhD Impulsivity—taking hasty actions without first thinking about the consequences—is one of the core symptoms of ADHD. Your child may do or say things without thinking and end up rejected by peers and scolded often…

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When Students Attend IEP Meetings: What Parents Should Know

Many families meet with their children’s school or education teams at this point in the fall semester. Often they need to discuss a new or updated education plan, as a student’s needs change from year to year. And this year, with many students newly returned to campus after a school year learning from home, many…

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Who Are the Social Media Influencers Reducing ADHD Stigma?

Social media influencers are creating new ways to de-stigmatize ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions. These influencers take on a positive role in raising ADHD awareness by sharing their personal experiences of living with ADHD. “The rise of the social web, and the internet, in general, has given more people an opportunity to become influencers, sometimes…

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